King'sMUN 2015
Thank You Delegates and Volunteers!
We are excited to share with you pictures of a very successful MiniMUN at King’s Christian Collegiate held on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015! This conference, our first ever, was open to students in grades 6-9 and organized with the intent to introduce the benefits of Model United Nations to surrounding middle schools. MiniMUN conferences are set up to teach the ins and outs of MUN, usually no preparations are requiered to attend. If your school wishes to participate in the future, or learn more about the benefits of an MUN grou at your school, please read this site. If you have any questions , please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you in the future; your participation in next year's conference will be very welcome.
Gavin Little, Secretary General, 2014/15

Dressed up beautifully for the opening ceremonies, lunch, and closing ceremonies.

Gavin Little - our leader.

Under Secretary General

Delivering a passionate speech about his writing and his work around the world.

Chairing UNSC - Novice

Debating the Ukraine/Russia conflict

Looking to gain support for a resolution

Debating military drone use

Presenting a resolution

Eager to speak

Three King's alumni came back to help make this day a great success!