King's Christian Collegiate started a Model United Nations group in 2011. Since then, it has become a vibrant extra-curricular club that provides opportunities to attend both local and out-of-province MUN conferences. Also, core to MUN at King's is leadership development.
Soon we will host our 8th annual
conference, a unique MUN conference that offers both regular and tutorial MUN committees. Tutorial committees are designed specifically for students in grades 7-8, introducing them to the MUN experience.
King'sMUN'24 will be fully in-person.
Model United Nations @
King's Christian Collegiate, Oakville, ON, Canada.
What is MUN?
MUN, or Model United Nations, is a student run club that focuses on awareness, research, debate, and resolutions of the world’s most current and pressing issues. To do this, MUN uses debate procedures similar to those of the United Nations. When students attend conferences (there are thousands around the world), they join a committee as a delegate of a specific country and come prepared to debate that nation’s point of view on the given topic. Students are taught not only how to debate effectively to gain support for their resolutions, but will also learn the complexity of the world and the UN, demonstrating the importance of collaboration while not abandoning their positions and sovereignty. MUN helps equip students for the future, exposing them to global issues and realities as they become more internationally minded.
How does an MUN conference work?
MUN conferences assign each student an individual country on a committee. There are often numerous committees of different roles, with many countries represented in each. The students are required to research the position of their given country on the issues their committee is examining. Students then debate the issues, representing their countries as delegates, in order to create resolutions.
What are Turorial Committees?
Tutorial Committees are committees in which students who are new to MUN can gain experience in this exciting simulation to debate world issues .
The main intention of a Tutorial Commitee is to prepare students with little or no MUN experience by giving them the opportunity to develop and improve on their debating skills before they face the demands of larger MUN conferences. It also gives beginning chairs the opportunity to work with those more experienced, and polish their leadership skills.
At King’s, our Tutorial Committees are targeted for students in grades 7-8, and possibly beginner students in grade 9. The intent of a Tutotial Committee is to replicate a typical MUN conference in order to teach students;
how an MUN conference works,
how to research effectively,
how to debate,
how to create resolutions.
The skills developed in a Tutorial Committee at King'sMUN will help each student feel confident in debate and equip them with the tools to succeed. It is for this reason that there will be separate committees for beginner students and those with experience, so that both groups are taught what they need to know and have a chance to perform at a level that will not be either too hard or too easy.